When you've eaten something dodgy and been sick as a cat, afterwards it is often easy to tell what the offending item was. Mention Pastilla, a Moroccan speciality to my husband and he still shudders, years later. Somehow, your body knows which item it was, even if it was mixed in with everything else.
So it is with our baby. Along the weaning journey we occasionally offer something and after one or possibly two mouthfuls he refuses it outright. We usually switch to something else and he'll eat again happily. But beware of trying to 'fool' him by mixing the rejected substance with the more pleasant alternative. He'll eat it alright, but shortly afterwards will frequently bring the food back up - not all of it, you understand, just the food he didn't want in the first place. His stomach has somehow (don't ask me how) separated out the food into acceptable and unacceptable and sent the unacceptable straight back up.
So the moral today is, don't try to fool baby stomachs. They know.
So it is with our baby. Along the weaning journey we occasionally offer something and after one or possibly two mouthfuls he refuses it outright. We usually switch to something else and he'll eat again happily. But beware of trying to 'fool' him by mixing the rejected substance with the more pleasant alternative. He'll eat it alright, but shortly afterwards will frequently bring the food back up - not all of it, you understand, just the food he didn't want in the first place. His stomach has somehow (don't ask me how) separated out the food into acceptable and unacceptable and sent the unacceptable straight back up.
So the moral today is, don't try to fool baby stomachs. They know.
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