Wednesday, 21 March 2012

If You're Happy and You Know It, Clap Your Feet

Often when I change my baby (supposing I'm at home and using our changing table in comfort, not kneeling down in a corridor or other unsuitable place when we're out) I sing If You're Happy And You Know It. As he can't clap his hands yet and I'm well-placed to do this, I 'clap' his feet together instead. He thinks this is funny. I wish I were so flexible.

At night, when he wakes to be fed (yes, this is still happening, sigh, though thankfully he only feeds once a night now) I also change his nappy. I do this first so that the milk feed will then lull him back to sleep - if you do it the other way round you end up with a well-fed and wide-awake baby who thinks it's time to play. But there is a downside, in that when you start to change his nappy he gets mad because he thinks you are not going to feed him. I said MILK, not NAPPY! I generally don't talk to him at night as this, too, wakes him up. But I've found something that cheers him up without talking. I lightly 'clap' his feet together and he stops crying at once, looking faintly puzzled but more cheerful, as though the song works in reverse.

Clap Your Feet and You'll Be Happy!

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