Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Pride comes before a Puree

I read once that people get most upset by criticism which attacks something they hold dear. So if you were to tell me my house is untidy I probably wouldn't be that bothered, tidiness is not a virtue I believe I possess, nor one I value that highly - I have bursts of making everything tidy before happily messing it all up again.

But cooking is another matter. This matters to me - I like to eat, I like to cook, I like cooking for friends and family. I like finding new ingredients (my husband despairs of enthusiastic shopping trips where I come home with six kinds of seaweed or four kinds of obscure cereals) and learning new recipes (BBC Good Food, online, is my favourite now, not a single recipe has ever gone wrong from them).

So - baby is weaning - and here come the purees! Having started rather suddenly I began with baby rice and Ella's Kitchen purees, which taste very nice and seem to have very pure ingredients. But while the baby started on those I was marshaling my kitchen. New gadgets, fresh ingredients, a freezer drawer cleared out. I made pale golden pear as well as apple & cinnamon purees, a vibrant green pea puree which took forever to get through a sieve, luminous orange pumpkin and sweet potato purees.

And he won't eat them. I've tried three times now. Each time he makes a lot of faces, then begins to purse up his lips and refuse any more after about four spoonfuls. Crack open the Ella's Kitchen and he opens his mouth again and eats lots.

Maybe the texture is different. Maybe mine tastes more intense (this from my husband, hoping to make me feel better). Who knows. I'll keep trying but there's nothing like a pursed pair of baby lips for giving your cooking pride a knocking!

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