I always was a soap and water sort of girl. I just about manage to do some exfoliating, slap on some moisturiser, eyeliner and mascara and that's about me done. Occasionally I get carried away and rush out to buy all sorts of makeup but it never really gets used. I just can't be faffed with it and so I stick more and more to what I know works for me. But having a baby has improved my beauty regime, if you could ever have called it that, quite a lot. This is because babies have many interesting beauty side-effects:
- They stay out of the sun, you stay out of the sun. Very anti-aging.
- They have a daily warm bath and massage with olive oil. I think I should adopt this for myself. At any rate the olive oil from the massage is helping my hands stay soft.
- Sudocrem does wonders for spots.
- Lansinoh nipple cream is the best lip balm ever. I am still going to be buyng this when my children at at university.
- All the beauty experts say 'drink lots of water', something I always failed to do until breastfeeding. Now I am so thirsty I drink easily two litres a day and have water bottles all over the house. A good habit to keep up.
- Babywipes remove makeup beautifully.
- Carrying an ever-growing baby really helps your muscles build up - our friends have a 3 year old whom they pick up with seeming ease while to us (accustomed to less than six kilos of small baby) he felt very heavy indeed!
I hope my back muscles build up, certainly can be painful at the moment. My dad always said he did his back in lifting a bag of cement. I am beginning to wonder whether he doesn't want to say it was actually me he was lifting to stop my incessant crying. Sorry Dad...