Monday, 5 December 2011

Lethal combo

A lethal combination of many factors has put a stop to all writing for a couple of weeks.

Teething brought drool everywhere, red cheeks and much grumpiness as well as not feeding properly (gums hurting when trying to feed). I am reliably informed this can go on for months with nary a sign of a tooth in compensation. Joy.

The 12 week growth spurt brought totally screwed up sleep patterns so we're back to twice a night waking after the bliss of just once in 12 hrs... sob. Please bring it back, God.

The 12 wk jabs brought hurting thighs (massive needles in relation to the size of his legs - if it was the same for adults the needles for me would be about 6 inches long) and much pained sobbing. Poor critter.

The growth spurt also meant moving along from swaddles to sleeping bags - something I so far have only cracked for naps (daren't try it at night yet) so a lot of care needed in putting him down once asleep as his arms are free to flail about.

Visitors cheered him up no end (grandparents are awfully good at a lot of fun games) but also proved so distracting that feeding had to be done in a different room and without even the TV on (which used to pass the time agreeably for me during feeds).

Meanwhile the growth has definitely affected his lungs. He always had a fair set on him, now they are amplified as if we'd just moved from acoustic to electric. Where did I leave the earplugs?

In compensation for all this he has learnt to laugh. Mostly at me when I tell him off for disturbed nights.

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