Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Well ba-ba then, I've got places to go

I'm stopping this blog and this will be my last entry. Basically, I don't have enough time. The novel I've written now has an editor who say it needs lots of revisions, the housework is constant (seriously, a washing machine load every day or the laundry basket overflows), there's a job to do, a husband, family and friends to spend time with and oh yes, a baby too - now where did he get to?

For he has learnt to walk! On the trip to the USA (best tip ever, thanks again to the Great God Google, is: buy a small toy/odd little item from a pound shop for every half hour you will be on a plane. Brilliant.) he took his first, tottering steps. Then there was a gap of a few weeks, during which the new skill was occasionally spotted but he mostly kept on crawling. And then, after a quiet weekend, he suddenly stood up and walked. Round and round the living room, round the kitchen, through the hall, back to the living room. We just gaped at him. It was so sudden and so definite. He was delighted with himself. He just grinned at us and kept on walking.

There's a lovely documentary called, simply, Babies, about four babies, born in Mongolia, San Francisco, Tokyo and, I think, Nigeria. Of course they have very different lives (although surprisingly also many many similarities), but the film follows them from the moment they are born till each of them takes their first, wobbly, steps. So it is with this blog. I'd like to keep going but in the past year I've got my first grey hair and been busier than I've ever been in my life. Truly, I'm telling you, if you think you're busy and you don't have small children, you're not busy. I swear. I used to think I was a very busy person.
Ha. Ha. Ha.

Oh yes. And I've had the most fun and the most love - to and from me, the baby, my husband, family and friends, probably since I myself was a baby. Something worth giving up a blog to enjoy more of.