The intelligence scale I mentioned a while back (i.e. your newborn is an earthworm, bit dispiriting really) has awarded my child the dubious distinction of being 'a quadruped mammal' by this age. Sort of insulting but then again if you watch the baby...
- He 'walks' on all fours
- He makes a lot of interesting noises to try and communicate though none of them are out-and-out what you'd call proper words
- He understands quite a lot of words though - things like ball, no, sit, up
- He likes feet and shoes, and will chew on either
- He likes waiting by the letterflap for the post to arrive and then chewing on it vigorously so that by the time you get it it's sort of raggedy round the edges
- He is very interested in (other) dogs and any animal
- He likes children and will try to bite them with great love and enthusiasm
- He likes the bins a lot on balance I think maybe the scale has a point.